American Academy of
Research Historians of
Medieval Spain

Book reviews (Archive)

AARHMS will consider books for review, written in any language, in any field of medieval Iberian history. Authors, scholarly presses, and prospective reviewers are encouraged to contact the Book Review Editor, Asst. Prof. Sarah Ifft Decker (Department of History, Rhoades College, Buckman Hall, 2000 North Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112, USA). 

Book reviews were published in the AARHMS Newsletter from 1984 through 2012. For newer reviews, please go directly to Books reviewed

 Abulafia, David, ed. The New Cambridge Medieval History, 5: c. 1198-c. 1300  Brodman  99 S
 Alfonso, Isabel, ed. The Rural History of Medieval European Societies.  Barton  09 S 
 Altschul, Nadia. Geographies of Philological KnowledgePostcoloniality and the Transatlantic national epic.  Guerra Casado  2013
 Aram, Bethany. Juana the Mad: Sovereignty and Dynasty in Renaissance Europe.  Martín  06 S
 Aurell, Authoring the Past. History, Autobiography, and Politics in Medieval Catalonia.  Zaldivar  2013 
 Bandmann, Günter. Early Medieval Architecture as Bearer of Meaning.  D'Emilio  07 F
 Barrero García, Ana Maria, and Maria Luz Alonso Martín. Textos de derecho local español en la edad media: Catálogo de fueros y costums municipales.  Brodman  90 S
 Barney, Stephen A., et al. The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville.  Ferreiro  07 F
 Barton, Simon, and Peter Linehan, eds. Cross, Crescent and Conversion: Studies on Medieval Spain and Christendom in Memory of Richard Fletcher.  Attreed  09 S
 Bender, Jacob, ed. Out of Córdoba: Averroes and Maimonides in Their Time and Ours.  Doubleday  11 F
 Bernat, Margalida, and Jaume Serra. La veu de la revolta: sermonadors i profetes a les Germanies de Mallorca, 1521-23.  Espinosa  09 F
 Binotti, Lucia. Cultural Capital, Language and National Identity in Imperial Spain.  Lledó-Guillem  2013
 Blumenthal, Debra. Enemies and Familiars: Slavery and Mastery in Fifteenth-Century Valencia.  Rodríguez  09 F
 Bonner, Anthony, ed. and trans. Ramon Llull: A Contemporary Life  Johnston  11 F

 Bourin, Monique, and Pascual Martínez Sopena, eds., Anthroponymie et migrations dans la chrétienté médiévale.   Beech  11 F
 Bowman, Jeffrey A. Shifting Landmarks: Property, Proof, and Dispute in Catalonia around the Year 1000.  Webster  05 S
 Boynton, Susan. Silent Music: Medieval Song and the Construction of History in Eighteenth-Century Spain  Willstedt   2013 
 Brann, Ross and Adam Sutcliffe, eds. Renewing the Past, Reconfiguring Jewish Culture: From al-Andalus to the Haskalah.  Gomez Aranda  05 S
 Braun, Harald E. Juan de Mariana and Early Modern Spanish Political Thought.  Espinosa  08 F
 Burman, Thomas E. Reading the Qur’an in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560.  Kurt  09 F
 Carr, Matthew. Blood and Faith. The Purging of Muslim Spain.  Childers  11 F
 Casey, James. Family and Community in Early Modern Spain: the Citizens of Granada, 1570‐1559.    
 Prescott   08 S
 Cateura Benàsser, Pau. Els impostos indirectes en el regne de Mallorca.  Catlos  07 F
 Catlos, Brian A. The Victors and the Vanquished: Christians and Muslims of Catalonia and Aragon, 1050–1300.  Webster   06 F 
 Conde, J.A., The Dominion of the Arabs in Spain: A History (trans. Foster).  Krasner Balbale  11 F
 Corfis, Ivy A., and Ray Harris-Northall, eds. Medieval Iberia: Changing Societies and Cultures in Contact and Transition.  Haywood  10 S
 Deswarte, Thomas, ed. Le droit hispanique latin du VI au XII siècle.  Kosto  2013
 Díaz Martínez, Pablo C., et al. Hispania tardoantigua y visigoda.  Kulikowski  08 F
 Davies, Wendy. Acts of Giving: Individual, Community, and Church in Tenth‐Century Spain.  Bowman  09 S
 Davis, Natalie Zemon. Trickster Travels: A Sixteenth-Century Muslim between Worlds.  Starr-LeBeau  07 F
 De la Flor Cramer, Inés. Los grupos políticos y sociales en la Crónica Sarracina.  Drayson  08 F
 Del Val Valdivieso, María Isabel, and Olatz Villanueva Zubizarreta, eds. Musulmanes y Cristianos frente al agua en las ciudades medievales.  Pascua Echegaray  09 F
 Devia, Cecilia. Disidentes y minorías religiosas en las Partidas de Alfonso X el Sabio.  Poole  09 F
 Dillehay, Tom D. Monuments, Empires, and Resistance: The Araucanian Polity and Ritual Narratives.  Elsey  08 F
 Dodds, Jerrilyn D., Maria Rosa Menocal, and Abigail Krasner Balbale. The Arts of Intimacy: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Making of Castilian Culture.  Gerber  10 S
 Doubleday, Simon R., and David Coleman, eds. In the Light of Medieval Spain: Islam, the West and the Relevance of the Past.  Rei-Doval  09 F
 Dudley, Edward. The Endless Text. Don Quixote and the Hermeneutics of Romance.  Cull  97 S
 Earenfight, Theresa. The King’s Other Body: María of Castile and the Crown of Aragon.  Wasilewski  10 F
 Fallows, Noel. Jousting in Medieval and Renaissance Iberia.  Slitt  2013
 Ferreiro, Alberto. The Visigoths in Gaul and Spain, A.D. 418–711: A Bibliography.  Freedman  90 F
 Fink De Backer, Stephanie. Widowhood in Early Modern Spain: Protectors, Proprietors, and Patrons.  Lehfeldt  11 F
 Frey, Nancy Louise. Pilgrim Stories: On and Off the Road to Santiago.  Torrens  99 F
 Fuchs, Barbara. Exotic Nation: Maurophilia and the Construction of Early Modern Spain.  Poole  09 F
 Gampel, Benjamin, ed. Crisis and Creativity in the Sephardic World, 1391-1648.  Lunenfeld  ** S
 García Leal, Alfonso, Ramón Guitérrez González, and Clara Elena Prieto Entrialgo, eds. MC Aniversario de la Muerte de Alfonso III y de la Tripartición del Territorio del Reino de Asturias.  Ferreiro  11 F
 García-Arenal, Mercedes, and Gerard Wiegers, A Man of Three Worlds: Samuel Pallache, A Moroccan Jew in Catholic and Protestant Europe.  Starr-LeBeau  03 S
 Garrot Garrot, José Luís, and Juan Martos Quesada, eds. Miradas españolas sobre Ibn Jaldún.  Krasner Balbale  09 F
 Glick, Thomas F. Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages.  Catlos  07 S
 Griffin, Clive. Journeymen-Printers, Heresy and the Inquisition in Sixteenth‐Century Spain.  Dyer  08 S
 Gwara, Joseph J., ed. The Sala Family Archive: A Handlist of Medieval and Early Modern Catalonian Charters.  Brodman  84 F
 Hillgarth, J. N. Spain and the Mediterranean in the Later Middle Ages: Studies in Political and Intellectual History.  Johnson  06 S
 Hitchcock, Richard. Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: Identities and Influences.  Olstein  09 S
 James, David. Early Islamic Spain: The History of Ibn al-Qutiya.  Granara  10 S
 Jarrett, Jonathan. Rulers and Ruled in Frontier Catalonia, 880-1010.  Bowman  11 F
 Kagan, Richard. Clio and the Crown: The Politics of History in Medieval and Early Modern Spain  Van Liere  10 F
 Kagan, Richard L. and Abigail Dyer, eds. Inquisitorial Inquiries: Brief Lives of Secret Jews & Other Heretics.  Baldridge  04 S
 Kelleher, Marie. The Measure of Woman: Law and Female Identity in the Crown of Aragon.  Earenfight  11 F
 Kogman‐Appel, Katrin. Illuminated Haggadot From Medieval Spain: Biblical Imagery and the Passover Holiday.  Catlos  09 S
 Kreitner, Kenneth, The Church Music of Fifteenth-Century Spain.  Nelson  04 S
 Kulikowski, Michael. Late Roman Spain and its Cities.  Nelson  04 S
 Ladero Quesada, Miguel Angel.  El siglo XV en Castilla: Fuentes de renta y política fiscal.  Phillips, Jr.  84 S
 Latham, Andrew. Theorizing Medieval Geopolitics. War and World Order in the Age of the Crusades  Catlos   2013
 Levin, Michael J. Agents of Empire. Spanish Ambassadors in Sixteenth-Century Italy.  Braun  08 S
 Lian, Yuen-Gen. Family and Empire: The Fernández de Córdoba and the Spanish Realm.  Coleman  2013
 Liss, Peggy K. Isabel the Queen: Life and Times.  Shadis  06 S
 López, Carlos. Speculum. Vida y trabajos del Archivo de la Corona de Aragón.  Catlos  09 S
 Lowney, Chris. A Vanished World. Medieval Spain’s Golden Age of Enlightenment.  Eisenberg  05 S
 MacKay, Ruth. “Lazy, Improvident People”: Myth and Reality in the Writing of Spanish History.  Coleman  07 S
 Majid, Anouar. We Are All Moors: Ending Centuries of Crusades against Muslims and Other Minorities.  Novikoff  11 F
 Marino, Nancy F. Don Juan Pacheco: Wealth and Power in Late Medieval Spain.  Guiance  08 S
 Marqués de Aytona. Discurso militar: Propónense algunos inconvenientes de la Milicia de estos tiempos y su reparo.  Kagay
 09 F
 Martin, Therese. Queen as King: Politics and Architectural Propaganda in Twelfth‐Century Spain.     
 Shadis  08 S
 Melammed, Renée Levine. A Question of Identity: Iberian Conversos in Historical Perspective.  Carpenter  06 F
 Meyerson, Mark. A Jewish Renaissance in Fifteenth Century Spain.  Stone  06 S
 Miranda Duque, Andrea, and Xosé Lluis García Arias, eds. Documents orixinales de los sieglos IX-X de los Archivos del monasteriu de San Pelayo y de la Catedral d’Uviéu.  Stöber  2013
 Molina Molina, Ángel Luis. La mujer en la baja edad media: Aproximación a su estudio.  Belfoy  09 S 
 Monteira Arias, Inés. La influencia islámica en la escultura románica de Soria. Una nueva vía para el estudio de la iconografía en el románico.  Mateo  09 F
 Moore, John K., Jr., ed. Libro de los huéspedes (Escorial MS h.I.13): A Critical Edition.  Raulston  09 F
 Muntaner, Ramón, The Catalan Expedition to the East (trans. Hughes).  Webster  07 F
 Netanyahu, B (Benzion). Toward the Inquisition: Essays on Jewish and Converso History in Late Medieval Spain.  Torrens  97 S 
 O’Callaghan, Joseph F. The Gibraltar Crusade: Castile and the Battle for the Strait.  Gomez  11 F
 O’Callaghan, Joseph F. Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain.  Kagay  03 S
 O’Callaghan, Joseph F., trans. The Latin Chronicle of the Kings of Castile.  Ferreiro  07 S
 O'Sullivan, Daniel. Chess in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: : A Fundamental Thought Paradigm of the Premodern World   Patterson  2013
 Oliver Pérez, Dolores. El Cantar de Mío Cid: génesis y autoría árabe.  Barton  11 F
 Pardo, Madeline. L’historien et ses personnages: Études sur l’historiographie espagnole.  Franco, Jr.  08 F
 Pere Albert. The Customs of Catalonia between Lords and Vassals (ed. and trans. Kagay)  Kelleher  06 F
 Perry, Mary Elizabeth. The Handless Maiden: Moriscos and the Politics of Religion in Early Modern Spain.  Lehfeldt  05 S
 Powers, David S. The Development of Islamic Law and Society in the Maghrib: Qāḍīs, Muftīs and Family Law.  Verskin   2013 
 Ray, Jonathan. After Explusion: 1492 and the Making of Sephardic Jewry.  Starr-LeBeau  2013 
 Reuter, Timothy, ed. The New Cambridge Medieval History, 3: c. 900-c. 1024  Lifshitz  99 S
 Rodriguez, Jarbel. Captives and Their Saviors in the Medieval Crown of Aragon.  Catlos
 08 S
 Rodríguez-Velasco, Jesús D. Order and Chivalry; Knighthood and Citizenship in Late Medieval Castile.  Agrait  11 F
 Rojinsky, David. Companion to Empire: A Genealogy of the Written Word in Spain and New Spain, C. 550-1550.  Rodríguez  11 F
 Romero, Elena, ed.  Judaísmo Hispano: Estudios en memoria de José Luis Lacave Riaño.  Alfonso Carro  07 S
 Rose, Susan. The Medieval Sea.  Tai  09 F
 Roth, Norman. Conversos, Inquisition, and the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain.  Li  02 S
 Rouighi, Ramzi. The Making of a Mediterranean Emirate: Ifrīqiyā and Its Andalusis, 1200-1400  Gómez-Rivas  2013
 Ruiz, Teófilo F. From Heaven to Earth: The Reordering of Castilian Society, 1150-1350.  Duque  04 S
 Ryan, Michael A. A Kingdom of Stargazers: Astrology and Authority in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon.  Delbrugge  2013
 Samson, Alexander, and Jonathan Thacker, eds. A Companion to Lope de Vega.  Wise  09 F
 Sanjust i Latorre, Cristina. L’Obra del Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes des de la seva fundació fins al segle XVI: Un monestir reial per a l’Ordre de les Clarisses a Catalunya.  Stöber  11 F
 Sastre Moll, Jaime, and María Llompart Bibiloni. La Tesorería del Reino de Mallorca durante su época de splendor.  Fynn-Paul   09 F
 Shadis, Miriam. Berenguela of Castile (1180-1246) and Political Women in the High Middle Ages.  Wasilewski  10 F
 Silleras‐Fernandez, Nuria. Power, Piety and Patronage in Late Medieval Queenship: María de Luna.  Woodacre  09 S
 Smith, Damian. Innocent III and the Crown of Aragon: The Limits of Papal Authority.  Herder  07 S
 Snow, Joseph T. The Poetry of Alfonso X.  An Annotated Critical Bibliography (1278-2010).  Poole  2013
 Solomon, Michael. Fictions of Well-Being. Sickly Readers and Vernacular Medical Writings in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain.  Ryan  11 F
 Soyer, François. The Persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal: King Manuel I and the End of Religious Tolerance (1496-7).  Catlos  10 S
 Szpiech, Ryan. Conversion and Narrative: Reading Religious Authority in Medieval Polemic.  Novikoff  2013
 Taggie, Banjamin F., and Richard W. Clement, eds. Iberia and the Mediterranean.  Brodman  90 S
 Tartakoff, Paola. Between Christian and Jew: Conversion and Inquisition in the Crown of Aragon, 1250-1391   Soifer Irish  2013
 Valdeón Baruque, Julio. Judíos y conversos en la castilla medieval.  Nelson  07 F
 Valdeón Baruque, Julio. Las raíces medievales de Castilla y León.  Estow  07 F
 Vivanco, Laura. Death in Fifteenth-Century Castile: Ideologies of the Elites.  Domínguez  06 S
 Vose, Robin. Dominicans, Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Crown of Aragon.  O'Connor  10 F
 Weissberger, Barbara. Isabel Rules: Constructing Queenship, Wielding Power.   Pastrana-Pérez  03 S
 Williams, John. The Illustrated Beatus: A Corpus of Illustrations of the Commentary on the Apocalypse, 3: The Tenth and Eleventh Centuries.  Freeman   98 S
 Williams, John, The Illustrated Beatus: A Corpus of Illustrations of the Commentary on the Apocalypse, 5: The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.  Freeman  03 S
 Williams, John. The Illustrated Beatus: A Corpus of illustrations of the Commentary on the Apocalypse, 4: The Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries.  Freeman  02 S
 Winer, Rebecca Lynn. Women, Wealth, and Community in Perpignan, c. 1250‐1300.  Silleras‐Fernández  08 F
 Zorghati, Ragnhild. Pluralism in the Middle Ages: Hybrid Identities, Conversion, and Mixed Marriages in Medieval Iberia.  Catlos  2013

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