American Academy of
Research Historians of
Medieval Spain


All the news that's fit to print.
  • 18 Feb 2023 9:50 AM | Thomas Barton (Administrator)

    There's still time to submit individual or panel proposals for the ASPHS annual meeting, to be held in Boulder, Colorado, May 19-21 2023.  We’re looking forward to being back in person, and we’ve extended the CFP deadline until Monday, March 6; please send your proposals and/or questions to


    The ASPHS Board is also working on making travel grants available to graduate students who present their work at the conference.  Stay tuned for more details.


    Registration will open soon.  Keep an eye on the ASPHS page for more information and updates!


    ASPHS 2023 Annual Conference

    Call for Papers

    The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies is pleased to invite paper and panel proposals for the Annual Meeting, to be held in Boulder on May 19-21, 2023 at the UMC (University Memorial Center) of the University of Colorado Boulder. Sessions will run on Saturday and Sunday.

    All presentations dealing with any aspect of Spanish and Portuguese historical studies are welcome. These include, but are not limited to, Spanish and Portuguese history and culture, philosophy, literature, language, archeology, the classical past, film, music, theatre, architecture, religion, art, and art history. In the interest of promoting cross-fertilization within the field of Iberian history, panels that bring together papers from multiple historical eras (ancient, medieval, early modern, modern) are especially encouraged. Where possible, the association will organize panels according to themes rather than to time periods.

    We are considering only fully in-person panels and individual papers. We apologize for not being able to accommodate proposals for panels or individual papers presented in entirely remote or hybrid formats. Projectors and Wi-Fi internet will be available in the conference rooms. Presenters should bring their own computers to project their PowerPoints.

    Proposals should include a 250-word abstract for each paper and a one-page curriculum vitae for each participant, including chairs and discussants. Please include each participant’s name, e-mail address, and university affiliation, along with any special requirements.

    Proposals should be submitted by email to by Monday, March 6, 2023 (note the extended deadline).


    The conference registration fee will be $150 for full-time faculty and $75 for graduate students. This fee includes the reception dinner as well as a light lunch on Friday and Saturday.  Registration will be available shortly on this page. Conference participants will need to be active ASPHS members. Click here for membership information; if you are already a member, click on the “Member Login” link at the top right corner of the page to see your membership status.

    Please note that the ASPHS will make available some travel awards for graduate students presenting at the conference. We’ll post more information shortly.


    Our invited keynote speaker for this year is Prof. Richard Kagan from Johns Hopkins University.

    The reception dinner will take place on Friday May 19, 2023. Prof. Kagan will address the association members on Saturday evening May 20, 2023. Both events will take place in the Glenn Miller Ballroom (UMC).

    A Sunday reception in honor of Prof. Kagan at the Homewood Suites including charcuterie and cheese boards is scheduled for $10/participant with a cash bar. Due to hotel “flow” limitation, only the first 75 registered members will be allowed to participate. Please indicate via this link if you would like to attend the Sunday reception.


    The ASPHS has secured early bird specials at the Homewood Suites by Hilton in Boulder. The rooms are guest suites which include a kitchenette, living room, and private room. The hotel has a swimming pool, bar, and all other Hilton amenities. A shuttle will run at the times of the conference and is free of charge for all hotel guests.

    The rate for the suite rooms at the early bird price is $179 + tax until January 31st 2023:

    The rate for registering between February 1st and April 17th 2023 is $199 + tax:

    Other nearby hotels in downtown Boulder include:

    Affordable: Boulder University Inn and Basecamp Boulder

    Higher end: Marriott Residence Inn and The Boulderado

  • 15 Aug 2022 10:49 PM | Thomas Barton (Administrator)

    Assistant Professor, History Department

    College of Arts & Sciences

    Seattle University

    The History Department at Seattle University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean World starting September 2023.

    The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching, maintaining an active program of scholarship, and performing university and college service. The ideal candidate will have a primary teaching and research field in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean World (ca. 500-1600) broadly defined. There will be opportunities to teach in a variety of programs, including History, the University Core Curriculum, the Honors Program, and in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies or other interdisciplinary programs. A specialist in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean World will support the department’s curriculum emphasizing social justice issues such as the historical roots of inequality and marginalization, and interpreting the diversity of human experience across world regions. The specialist would also help contribute to the vision of both College and University for equity, justice, and centering the margins.

    The preferred candidate must have a Ph.D. in History at time of appointment. ABDs will be considered.

    Founded in 1891, Seattle University is a Jesuit Catholic university located on a beautiful campus of more than 50 acres in the dynamic heart of Seattle. Our diverse and driven population is made up of more than 7,200 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs within eight schools and colleges. Seattle University is an equal opportunity employer.

    In support of its pursuit of academic and scholarly excellence, Seattle University is committed to creating a diverse community of students, faculty, and staff that is dedicated to the fundamental principles of equal opportunity and treatment in education and employment regardless of age, color, disability, gender identity, national origin, political ideology, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The university encourages applications from, and nominations of, individuals whose differing backgrounds, beliefs, ideas, and life experiences will further enrich the diversity of its educational community.

    Applicants should submit applications online at

    including a cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, writing sample of scholarship, and contact information for three references (letters may be solicited upon submission of application).  

    Application deadline is October 1, 2022.  For further information please email the History Department Chair, Dr. Haejeong Hazel Hahn (

  • 04 Mar 2022 1:42 PM | Miguel Gomez (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce the three winners of the 2022 Simon Barton Travel Grant. 

    Frank Espinosa, a PhD student at the University of Michigan, will be using his grant to support a research trip to Valencia. Nina Gonzalbez, a PhD student at Florida State University, will be using her grant to support a research trip to Sevilla in April.  Jillian Bjerke, a visiting lecturer in history at McDaniel College, will be using her grant to support travel to the International Medieval Congress in Leeds this summer.

    Congratulations to all three winners.  

  • 21 Jan 2022 6:38 PM | Thomas Barton (Administrator)

    Gregory Milton, 1966–2021  


    The American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain would like to remember Gregory Milton, who passed away, tragically, on December 7, 2021, at the young age of fifty-four. While Greg came to Iberian and Mediterranean medieval history after an abbreviated career as a naval officer, he quickly established an international reputation as a highly productive researcher on economic, social, and Jewish history and world-renowned authority on notarial sources.


    Born in San Jose, California, on December 24, 1966, Greg spent his earliest childhood in Boca Raton, Florida, before his family returned to California. He attended elementary, junior high, and high school in the coastal city of Santa Cruz. Greg’s mother, Linda Rose, remembers how he became increasingly curious, around the second grade, about his Jewish heritage thanks largely to a Jewish friend. This interest eventually encouraged him to join the local temple and have his bar mitzvah. Greg, she remembers, was “an avid player of Dungeons and Dragons and also interested in the history and royalty of England,” early attractions that later “spurred his career direction.”


    A love of airplanes and flying encouraged Greg to attend UC Berkeley on a naval scholarship. Immediately after graduating, he became an ensign in the navy. However, because he needed prescription eye glasses, he was ineligible to be a pilot and instead opted to serve as a flight officer in charge of electronic aerial reconnaissance. Greg was eventually stationed at an air base near Cádiz, an assignment that enabled him to travel widely throughout the Mediterranean. These years of exploration prompted Greg’s growing interest in medieval Spanish and Mediterranean history. He later transferred to Annapolis, Maryland, where he had the opportunity to offer classes in world history and discover his love of teaching. At this point, Greg decided to heed his passions and steer his life in a new direction. He withdrew from the navy after eight years of service to pursue a Master’s in Medieval History at Catholic University in 1997, then continuing his studies at UCLA as Teo Ruiz’s first doctoral student. Greg opted to focus on the commercial and social history of the Catalonian village of Santa Coloma de Queralt using its richly detailed and complex notarial records housed today at the Arxiu de Protocols de Tarragona. During his time living in coastal Tarragona, a city that was reminiscent of his beloved hometown of Santa Cruz, Greg developed a fluency in Catalan and became an expert on a wide range of local historical sites, which he enjoyed touring with visitors. He successfully defended his dissertation, entitled “Commerce, Crisis, and Society in a Medieval Village: Santa Coloma de Queralt, 1294-1313,” in 2005. Teo remembers Greg fondly as “an adult in every sense of the word. He was an indefatigable researcher, rendering his findings in brilliant and incisive fashion.” 


    Greg’s extraordinary performance at UCLA quickly earned him a visiting professorship at Marquette University followed by a tenure-track appointment at the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa, where he impressed students and colleagues alike with his innovating teaching and dedicated mentorship. During his time at these institutions, Greg presented at numerous conferences, produced an array of articles in respected journals and edited volumes, received prestigious fellowships and awards (such as the Solmsen Fellowship at the Institution for Research in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison), and published his path-breaking monograph on Santa Coloma de Queralt’s local economy entitled Market Power: Lordship, Society, and Economy in Medieval Catalonia, 1276-1313 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), a fascinating study of a formerly little known rural commercial system that is now widely known as an indispensable resource among scholars of economic and social history alike. 


    Part of Greg’s appeal to his students and colleagues was that his interests were not simply confined to premodern history. He was an avid reader of other periods of history as well as politics and science fiction and shared a love of Jane Austen with his doctoral advisor. In his diverse roles at USF, he grew especially interested, his mother recalls, “in the non-traditional student who couldn’t afford the traditional four-year, on-campus programs.” He believed strongly that “universities should spend their money on educational innovations and meeting student needs rather than on another lecture hall.” Accordingly, after seven years at USF, Greg decided to listen to his heart once again and left the research track in order to devote himself fully to developing and implementing innovative educational programs. He opted to focus on improving extended learning, serving as a director first at the University of Oregon and then at Sonoma State University, a position that enabled him to return to his beloved native state of California. 


    In 2019, Greg joined several colleagues to found Tarragona Associates, named in honor of Greg’s enduring connection to his adoptive home in Catalonia, which offered consulting services to universities and colleges aimed at helping them navigate the mounting challenges facing higher education. Greg was instrumental in directing and growing this new enterprise, which, shortly before his death, had just succeeded in winning a major contract with Savannah State University in Georgia. While the growing success of this project was exciting for Greg, one of the best aspects of working with Tarragona Associates over these past two years was that it enabled him to return home and spend more time with his mother.


    It is fair to say that Teo Ruiz speaks for all of us at the Academy in expressing that Greg “was an affable and friendly person, a man of integrity. He left us far too early and for that we are diminished.” We join Teo in honoring Greg’s memory as a jovial colleague, diligent researcher, and beloved teacher and will miss him dearly.

    -- Tom Barton

       AARHMS President

  • 20 Jan 2022 6:04 AM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

    I believe Joe, Bernie, and I first met at the AHA meeting in Philadelphia in 1963. I remember that Edward Kealey, a Medieval English scholar, and my newly met colleague at Holy Cross, led me across a room to meet another rarely encountered Spanish medievalist.  It turned out to be Joe O’Callaghan. Subsequently we bumped into Bernie, yet a third Hispanist, at a session on feudalism. We frequently saw each other during the following years at the AHA meetings and those newer sessions at Kalamazoo.


    I can only echo the strongly positive views of Bernard Reilly as a scholar and a man so well detailed by Doubleday and O’Callaghan. Bernie and I occasionally shared a rental car out of the Detroit airport to Kalamazoo, and we discussed our work and our respective families. I was deeply impressed by his deft handling of episcopal archival materials and his sensitivity to how they illuminated the time periods he was covering. We were then both focused on the twelfth century, especially concerning monarchical policy regarding towns.


    I have only a small correction to offer on the dating of the origins of AARHMS.  Joe is right to note that Father Robert Burns fashioned the title of the organization with the word Academy leading to secure a high position on the AHA’s list of affiliated societies. However the first meeting was not in 1974, but rather at the 1973 meeting of the AHA at San Francisco. That’s the first program to reference the Society and list our meeting.  We met but did not have a paper–giving session.  We then withdrew to the University of San Francisco (Father Burns’ institutional employer) for a small celebration.


    During the drive to the university, Fr. Burns, being a native San Franciscan, wanted to show off his city with enthusiasm. Reilly and O’Callaghan were in the back seat and I was positioned in the front. In order to get in as many vistas as possible, Burns thought haste was important to enjoy the scenic abundance of the hills. My mind began to conjure images of the film Bullitt, made only six years earlier in the same city.  The tour was genuinely breath-taking.  He saved the best for last, a record-setting descent down the famous steep curves of Lombard Street.  Fortunately we were deprived of the record by a slower-moving vehicle in front of us; the passing of which was happily out of the question. But Joe, Bernie and I were concerned we might collectively be the shortest-lived affiliated society in AHA history. I was never more ready for cocktails in my life.  I should note that in future years I was to be driven a number of times by Father Burns in a far more conservative manner. I can only assume that the exhilaration of creating AARHMS touched us all.

  • 18 Jan 2022 8:48 AM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

    In Memory of Bernie Reilly

    The death of Bernie Reilly is a grave loss for all of us who study the history of medieval Spain. He was such a great good friend. About sixty years ago I met him in the midst of a large crowd of people at an AHA conference. At a time when so many medievalists were focused on the history of France and England, I remember how delighted I was to discover that there was someone else in this entire United States who was interested in medieval Spanish history.

    About the same time, I encountered Father Robert Burns and Jim Powers who were also directing attention to this long-neglected field. I remember that someone remarked that we were the Irish mafia of medieval Spanish studies. Gathering one day in a dormitory room at Kalamazoo under the leadership of Father Burns, we organized the Academy of American Research Historians of Medieval Spain. Father Burns insisted on calling it an Academy so that the name would appear in the AHA program at the beginning of the list of associated societies. Bernie graciously agreed to serve as Secretary and later assumed the additional responsibility of Treasurer. In taking on those tasks, he had a major role in successfully launching this new organization.

    Aside from his organizational skills, Bernie was a masterful scholar. His studies of the reigns of Queen Urraca, Alfonso VI, and Alfonso VII attest to his attention to detail and his capacity to make sound judgments and interpretations. His careful examination of every charter to determine its integrity and authenticity at a time when forgery was common is the hallmark of his work. Bernie dedicated The Contest of Christian and Muslim Spain, 1031-1157, an admirable overview of a remarkable century, “to my children who completed my education.” That wry remark was no doubt true, but I think we may add that Bernie enhanced the education of every one of us who has tried to understand the complexities of medieval Spain. May his spirit be always with us.

    Joseph F. O'Callaghan

  • 18 Jan 2022 8:41 AM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

    Bernard Francis Reilly, 1925–2021  

     Bernard F. Reilly, who passed away on December 11, 2021, at the age of ninety-six, was a pioneering scholar in the modern field of medieval Spanish history, and a formative figure in the early history of the Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain (AARHMS).

     Born in Audubon, New Jersey, on June 8, 1925, Reilly was a World War II veteran (served 1944-46) who rose to the rank of corporal during the war in the Philippines and later participated in the US occupation forces in Japan. He later remarked that the U.S. bombing of the Japanese mainland, and the nuclear holocausts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, had made him a pacifist. During the Vietnam War he worked with a group of parishioners at St. Philomena’s church in Lansdowne, PA, to provide counseling to young men on ways in which they could avoid the draft as conscientious objectors.


    Having received his bachelor’s degree from Villanova University (1950), and his Master’s in History from the University of Pennsylvania (1955), Reilly returned to his first alma mater to become an instructor of History at Villanova. He remained on the faculty from 1955 until 1992, becoming promoted to the rank of Full Professor, teaching widely on the High Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation. In 1966, he completed his doctoral thesis at Bryn Mawr, “The Nature of Church Reform at Santiago de Compostela during the Episcopate of Don Diego Gelmírez, 1100-1140 A.D.”

    His scholarly output was formidable: he was author of many works that remain essential both for experts in the field and for the classroom, helping to forge our understanding of the rise of Christian Spain and the genesis and consolidation of the kingdom of Leon-Castile in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. His scholarly monographs include The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla under Queen Urraca 1109-1126 (Princeton University Press, 1982); The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla under King Alfonso VI, 1065-1109 (Princeton University Press, 1988); The Contest of Christian and Muslim Spain, 1031-1157 (Blackwell, 1992); The Medieval Spains (Cambridge University Press, 1993); and The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla under King Alfonso VII 1126-1157 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998). He was also the editor of a volume of essays entitled Santiago, Saint-Denis, and Saint Peter: The reception of the Roman liturgy in León-Castile in 1080 (Fordham University Press, 1985). His son, Bernard F. Reilly, Jr. – one of eight children – reports that he had been the first faculty member at Villanova to compose a scholarly book on the computer. Several of his books have been translated into Spanish and Portuguese.

    Reilly’s final project, a study of León-Castile under King Fernando I and Queen Sancha, is to be co-written by Simon R. Doubleday and is forthcoming with the University of Pennsylvania Press. It was his conviction—one that will underlie this volume—that, as he expressed in a private letter, Fernando was “a traditional king of the Asturian line”, preoccupied with the Iberian northwest rather more than with the meseta, and that “the supposed turn to Cluny, and the French interest, proves to have been much overdone… The affairs of Castile are important but peripheral”. In contrast, Galicia and especially Portugal were, in Reilly’s view, surprisingly central.  

    Collectively, Reilly’s meticulous scholarship has proven profoundly important for several scholarly generations and will continue to be so. He was awarded the John Nicholas Brown Prize of the Medieval Academy of America for the best first book in the area of medieval studies, and remains the only scholar to have won the American Historical Association’s Premio del Rey award twice: he was the inaugural recipient in 1990 for The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla under King Alfonso VI, and enjoyed similar success with the successor volume, The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla under King Alfonso VII 1126-1157, for which he received the same prize in the year 2000. Over the course of his career, he was the recipient of Fellowships and Research grants from the Fulbright Foundation (1982), the American Philosophical Society (1979), and the American Council of Learned Societies (1969). He was named Academic Correspondent of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Toledo (1981), Honorary Fellow of the Hispanic Society of America (2003), to which he has bequeathed his personal papers before his death, and a Corresponding Member of the Academia Portuguesa da História (2004). 


    Reilly’s major book projects were complemented by articles in Speculum, Medieval Studies, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, Viator, and the Catholic Historical Review, as well as the relatively new Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, and by many book chapters; he contributed no fewer than 33 articles to Medieval Iberia: An Encyclopedia.  In addition to his scholarly output, Reilly was also the author of three historical novels, all set in medieval Iberia: Treasure of the Vanquished: A Novel of Visigothic Spain (Combined Books, 1994); Secret of Santiago: A Novel of Medieval Spain (Combined Books, 1997); and Journey to Compostela: A Novel of Medieval Pilgrimage (Combined Books, 2001).


    As president of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) chapter at Villanova University, Reilly represented faculty interests in collective bargaining with the University; he also headed the Pennsylvania Division of the American Association of University Professors (1969-72) and was also a Member of the Executive Committee of the National Council of the American Association of University Professors (1971-73). He also served as president of the American Catholic Historical Association.

    Reilly’s role in the formation and early years of AARHMS, founded in 1974, is worthy of particular note. While Father R.I. Burns served as the organization’s first president, Reilly served as its first “Acting-Secretary”, assuming responsibility—among other tasks—for the composition of the AARHMS newsletters (early examples of which are accessible on the website). He performed this unglamorous task with wry elan. “If the preferred focus of this Academy in the decently detailed document”, he wrote in the October 1977 newsletter, “it ought perhaps to provide for the employment of future generations of scholars by the modest production of further documentation. Accordingly, we may report that as of this date, some fifty-eight of members have paid dues for 1977….”. The position soon morphed into that of Secretary-Treasurer, a position that he held from 1976-82 – a period that encompassed the 900th anniversary of the official adoption of the Roman rite in León-Castile in 1080.   

    Following the presidency of Joseph O’Callaghan, Reilly was elected president of AARHMS in 1982 (taking office in 1983) and re-elected to that position two years later, serving until 1987. “In those days,” James Brodman recalls, “AARHMS was not terribly formal. It was a place for those of us interested in medieval Iberia to gather, to eat dinner together (we could all fit around a table), to listen to each other's papers and generally encourage each other at a time our field was on the fringes.” Reilly himself appears to have relished the friendly academic sociability that AARHMS provided. Reflecting on its tenth anniversary, still in his capacity as newsletter editor, he wrote: “It is pleasant to recall those whom the Academy has been able to assist to their first serious scholarly exposure… One thinks fondly of the camaraderie, the banter, the leisurely meals, and the occasional libation which smoothed away the frazzle of strange rooms, large crowds, late planes, and absolutely incomprehensible points of view”.  

    A great many scholars will remember Prof. Reilly and his work with equal fondness. His acuity, and unmatched familiarity with the archives, will be missed by every medieval Iberian historian.

    Simon R. Doubleday, Hofstra University

  • 03 Jun 2021 2:04 PM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

    Dear AARHMS members,

    After three memorable years of serving as President of the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain, I am stepping down effective May 31. I will continue to serve on the Executive Council in the role of Past President until 2024. 

    I am delighted to announce that Dr. Thomas Barton (University of San Diego) has been elected President of AARHMS for the three-year term, 2021-2024.

    As AARHMS members know well, Prof. Barton is a highly accomplished scholar whose research focuses on the relationship between different ethno-religious communities within Iberia and the Western Mediterranean during the medieval period.  His first book, Contested Treasure: Jews and Authority in the Crown of Aragon (Penn State, 2015), explores how different non-royal Christian authorities sought to challenge the crown's claim that Jews (and Muslims) were its exclusive regalian preserve. It won two prestigious book awards: the 2017 Jordan Schnitzer Award from the Association for Jewish Studies, and the 2016 Best First Book Award from the Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies.  His second book, Victory’s Shadow: Conquest and Governance in Medieval (Cornell University Press, 2019), which examines Christian-Muslim interaction along the lower Ebro River valley between the eleventh and later thirteenth centuries, also won a major book award: the 2020 Premio del Rey Prize from the American Historical Association. Dr. Barton edited three volumes of collected essays: Boundaries in the Medieval and Wider World: Essays in Honour of Paul Freedman (2017), Iberia, the Mediterranean, and the Larger World in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods (special volume of Pedralbes published by the Universitat de Barcelona2020and Constructing Iberian Identities, 1000-1700 (forthcoming from Brepols Press).


    I would like to congratulate both Dr. Barton and Dr. Miguel Gomez (University of Dayton), who has been re-elected as Secretary-Treasurer of AARHMS, as well as to thank all the members of the Executive Council for their dedication and service.   


    As always, we welcome your ideas and initiatives, and hope that you will continue supporting AARHMS as it enters a new chapter in its history.

    Maya Soifer Irish

  • 17 Apr 2021 6:23 AM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

    As specified in our bylaws, the time has come once again to elect a president and secretary-treasurer for AARHMS. Please send nominations or self-nominations via email to the current secretary-treasurer, Miguel Gomez, mgomez1 AT dayton DOT edu. The Deadline for Submissions is 31 April 2021.

    The description of official duties for both posts are below.

    Duties of the President shall include but need not be limited to the following:

    i. represent the Academy faithfully;

    ii. work directly with the Secretary-Treasurer in matters related to the Academy;

    iii. appoint individuals to serve as conference organizer, communications officer,

    book review editor, at-large members of the Executive Council, and any other

    such role required for the Academy’s proper functioning;

    iv. report yearly to the membership on the activities of the Executive Council;

    v. serve on the Executive Council for one term after serving as President.

    Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall include but need not be limited to the


    i. oversee the maintenance of the membership records;

    ii. determine the times for sending notices and reminders of dues payments;

    iii. under the direction of the Executive Council, establish and oversee the

    internal financial procedures of the Academy in accord with best financial


    iv. collect and record contributions and thank the donors;

    v. keep the financial records of the Academy, receiving and depositing dues and

    other income and disbursing funds as directed by the Executive Council;

    vi. make the financial records of the Academy available for an annual audit or

    review as determined by the Executive Council;

    vii. keep current the Academy’s listing in various directories and guides to grants

    and prizes;

    viii. in consultation with the President, organize meetings of the Executive Council

    and keep the minutes;

    ix. assist the President in the preparation of an annual report to the membership

  • 16 Dec 2020 9:18 AM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)
    The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies solicits submissions for the annual Charles Julian Bishko Memorial Prize for the best article or book chapter published in 2020 in the field of medieval Iberian history by a North American scholar.  This year’s prize, which carries an honorarium of $250, will be announced at the 2021 annual meeting of ASPHS, which will be held virtually April 23-25, 2021.

    Initiated in 2003, the Bishko Prize honors Professor Charles Julian Bishko, the distinguished historian of medieval Iberia who taught for 39 years at the University of Virginia.

    Articles or book chapters may be written in Castilian, English, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese or French.  Authors must be current members of the ASPHS.

    Authors should submit one copy of the article or book chapter and a short (two-page) CV in PDF form to committee chair Andrew Devereux, using the following email address:

    The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2020.

    The 2020 winner was Pamela Patton, for her article “Demons and Diversity in León,” Medieval Encounters 25, no. 1-2 (2019): 150-179.

All content (c) the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain, except where prohibited by law.
Pages edited and maintained by the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain. Webmaster: Kyle C. Lincoln

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